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音乐丝带最新款 KONNEKT荣耀 音箱跳线

音乐丝带最新款 KONNEKT荣耀 音箱跳线

  • 参考售价:¥460元
  • 商品点击数:11657


联系人:郑先生 13715855903 营业电话: 0754-88398028

联系地址:广东省汕头市天山北路雅仕园2栋302 润丰名线坊


音乐丝带最新款 KONNEKT荣耀  音箱跳线

Wyrewizard Omni-Konnekt Speaker Cable

   以科技性能闻名于世的美国线材品牌Nordost(音乐丝带),凭着出色的电容性、信号传播能力等,成就了其它品牌线材所无法比拟的高度集中优异性能和精确性,为音响用家带来了完整的音乐重播能力和美妙的聆听乐趣的同时,亦被发烧圈公认是全球最好加工技术的线材品牌。其最新开发出来的KONNEKT荣耀系列.更是拥有极高的性价比.每股有65蕊,99.99999%的OFC,外皮為擠壓成型的鐵弗龍 (extruded FEP),有更低的電容量與更低長距離的訊號衰減。




UL certifi ed installation cable with low
visibility, fi re resistant outer jacket.

Conductors:2 or 4 16AWG
99.99999% oxygen free copper
Insulation:Flourinated Ethylene
Propylene (FEP)
UL Rating:CL 3
Capacitance:18.5 pF/ft
Inductance:0.1 uH/ft
Termination:OK 16/2 twin conductor
OK 16/4 bi-wire or shotgun
confi guration

The Wyrewizard range contains a cable carefully designed to meet your every requirement, from high-quality twochannel to multi-room, while US manufacturing and assembly ensures excellent results across your entire system.A complete family of speaker cable and interconnect options allows you to prioritize functions, maximizing the performance of primary sources and loudspeakers, yet maintaining sonic consistency across surrounds and into secondary zones. Both the Magus power cord and Shaman digital interconnect employ Nordost’s revolutionary micro mono-fi lament air-spaced dielectric technology to deliver spectacular results in these critical applications. Never has an affordable cable range offered such complete consistency of materials across its signal leads, used such
high-quality dielectric formulations or allowed the listener
 o allocate their budget so precisely and effectively. But then, never has an affordable cable range been designed using exactly the same philosophy or been built with the same attention to detail that’s produced the best audio and video cables in the world. The range is Wyrewizard – but the
manufacturer is Nordost.
